Saturday 15 October 2011

And so the cracks start to form...

One week into the TEFL course and my confidence is starting to crack as I struggle to handle fluctuating emotions on top of a very intense course.

Sat in the classroom, I am reminded of why I left school at the age of 16. My dyslexic mind causes frustration as I misread, misspell and misunderstand my way through tasks. The speed at which we are expected to learn is fast, a concept is simply explained and you are expected to be able to grasp it very quickly. A very Chinese way of learning...

Outside the classroom, my emotions also fluctuate as I continue to face the differences in culture, lack of social support and loneliness on a day to day basis. The language can be problematic and my head will hurt from trying to think of ways to understand or be understood. Nothing is easy and it's not getting any easier either.

I miss the girl. Lots...

However, everything is going according to plan. I have started the course, I have a job waiting and the emotional roller-coaster has been anticipated. I am proud to have accomplished all I have so far and to be where I am...

But, I do question myself on the down days... Can I actually handle this? Or, have I jumped in that bit too deep?

I guess there is only one way to find out...

1 comment:

  1. Jem, you can absolutely handle it. Keep strong and congratulations on the job. xxx

    P.s. Your new photographs are gorgeous.
